Marc Sephton is a mixed media artist from Chelmsford. From a young age has always drawn and through the years has experimented with various mediums including graphic design, photography, print and painting. Also as a musician this has taken Marc to a lot of places and is always looking for the wonder and beauty in everything from the smallest flower in a field to the largest sky scraper in a city. After a couple of shows people started asking for commission pieces and after a time this led him to produce pieces using reclaimed items, painting onto glass and working with light. Working direct onto glass is a challenge for each piece, deciding which medium is best to use and working in reverse is a challenge in itself. Layers are important and with paint sometimes more is taken off that what goes on. In some of the pieces the layering of  film cells make a very interesting and unique background to work with...Taking old items or items that might not have a use anymore and giving them a new life is very exciting.

In short...

'I like to make things that bring colour, life and new thoughts to people's lives '